EMF Testing and Remediation
The EMF Issue
Electromagnetic fields can
be problematic from two perspectives: the concern over potential health
effects from human exposure, and the disruption to sensitive equipment under high field conditions.
Our EMF testing and remediation services can address both issues.
Human Exposure Concerns
Scientific studies in recent years have shown an apparent correlation between exposure to
elevated EMF from electrical power systems and the risk of adverse health effects. The same is true for radio frequency
radiation from broadcast and cell phone towers. Significant controversy now
exists over the degree of risk posed by this exposure, and the mechanisms of interaction by which
electromagnetic fields may influence biological processes.
Proactive Response
Confronted with this uncertain risk, many individuals have chosen to take a
cautious approach and limit their exposure where possible. Our services address this environmental health
concern by providing site assessment surveys, shielding, and
building design consultation. We take an objective, information-based approach to this issue in which
clearly defined guidelines have not been established.
Electromagnetic Interference Remediation (EMI)
Equipment interference and performance degradation is a commonly encountered
effect. EMI is the terminology usually employed. Sensitive analytical
and research instrumentation are most commonly affected. An array of EMI remediation modalities, including
active cancellation and shielding, are available to counter this problem.
Our Services
The listings below detail some of our EMF testing and remediation services. Most problems are amenable to correction
when the proper expertise is brought to bear. We specialize in development of mitigation plans to resolve the difficult problems.
Services are provided throughout the U.S. and select other countries.
EMF Testing & Measurement Surveys
Provided for buildings where high fields have been found, and for properties being considered
for development. Both human exposure and electromagnetic interference concerns are addressed. The ultimate goal of our
testing is to place you in a position to make a responsible and informed decision about the area under evaluation, and to
understand the options available for field reduction.
RF Exposure Measurements
RF testing and measurement for assessment of human exposure to cell tower and broadcast tower emissions.
We can effectively address the issue of low-level, long-term exposures within the context of precautionary guidelines and
existing regulatory standards. Radio frequency EMF testing is provided throughout the U.S.
Active Magnetic Shielding (EMF Cancellation) for Power Lines
This approach is usually the only practical means of reducing magnetic fields from overhead or
underground power lines. A full explanation of the technology and its applications is provided on this page. We have systems
installed and operating worldwide.
Electrical Wiring Problems
Testing and diagnosis of electrical problems that result in elevated magnetic fields. An explanation is provided of how
mis-wired circuits create high magnetic fields, and 28 photos illustrate different types of wiring errors that we have found and corrected.
Most anomalous wiring conditions that create high EMF are also code violations, so there is a solid basis for addressing them.
Plumbing Current EMF Testing
Consulting on correction of high magnetic fields that result from electrical current on water pipes and grounding systems.
We offer a low cost distance consultation option that utilizes the services of electrical and plumbing contractors in your
local area. Guidance is provided on selection of an electrician to work with us remotely.
EMF Services no longer performs residential testing. We are active only in the
commercial sector. However, it is often possible to provide a referral to a qualified practitioner in your area. Unfortunately, there are
a few companies who make a powerful initial impression, but behind the facade lies a dearth of technical knowledge and an ethical approach
that borders on exploitation. You are welcome to call or email and we will help you find a true professional.

EMF  SERVICES  LLC 845-276-9500

Providing Services Worldwide
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