
Exposure to electromagnetic fields,
or EMF, has become an issue of concern for a great many people and is an
active area of biophysical research. Discussion over the possible biological
effects of electromagnetic fields first began to surface in the late 1960s
following the introduction of new, higher voltage electric power transmission
lines. An argument can be made that initial speculation regarding possible
detrimental health effects of these lines arose among property owners who
objected to their presence due to esthetic factors and the resulting loss
of property values. In association with environmental action groups, who
opposed construction of the lines on the basis of physical destruction
and segmentation of habitat, an alliance was formed which worked to bring
the issue into public awareness.
The first scientific study to attract
serious interest in the issue came in 1979 following the work of epidemiologist
Nancy Wertheimer,
who was looking for possible causes for a number of childhood leukemia
cases in the Denver metropolitan area. Her research, performed with physicist
Ed Leeper, found that children with leukemia were more than twice as likely
to have lived in homes near high current power lines, where the electromagnetic
fields were stronger. Research on the issue has accelerated since that
time, with mixed results, and will be discussed in greater detail later
in this article.
Physical Science Concepts
The understanding of a few simple physical
concepts is important to the discussion of any interaction between external
physical agents and biological systems. Surrounding any wire or conductor
that carries electricity, there exist both electric and magnetic fields,
collectively referred to as electromagnetic fields, or EMF. These fields
often extend for considerable distances around the wire. Although the early
health effects studies looked primarily at the effects of large cross-country
power transmission lines, and to some extent the public still associates
EMF with these lines, it has become clear that anywhere electricity is
in use, electric and magnetic fields will be present, often at significant
intensities. This includes overhead and underground power distribution
lines running throughout residential and commercial neighborhoods, certain
types of interior structural wiring, as well as many common electrical
devices. If detrimental bioeffects were to be confirmed, the ubiquitous
nature of electricity in modern society could represent widespread public
exposure to a potentially harmful physical agent.
The types of field that we are concerned
about from a health effects standpoint are alternating current, or time-varying,
fields whose strength and direction change regularly with time. They arise
exclusively from man-made sources, specifically electric power and communications
systems, and have been present in our environment for only about the past
century. The earth's strong, steady-state magnetic field is often cited
as a point of comparison with these fields, but this comparison is not
especially meaningful since the influence on matter can be quite different
between time-varying fields and static (non-time-varying) fields. It should
be noted that naturally occurring time-varying fields, associated with geological
and meteorological phenomena, do exist but are not considered detrimental.
For the purposes of this article we will look at only a small part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, the extremely low frequency, or ELF portion.
Electric power distribution in the United States is at a frequency of 60
Hz, and falls within this region. This is the part of the spectrum where
most of the research has been concentrated, although substantial work has
also been done in relation to radio frequency and microwave fields.
Electromagnetic waves at these low
frequencies contain relatively small amounts of energy and are often referred
to as non-ionizing radiation. An important distinction must be drawn between
this and the ionizing radiation with which most of us are familiar. Ionizing
radiation, represented by X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays, and alpha and
beta particle emissions from radioactive materials, has dramatic and well
documented detrimental effects on living things. These high frequency waves
or particles have enough energy to eject electrons from molecules, and
can damage the structure of cells (including DNA) directly, or through
the creation of highly reactive free radicals within cells. Low frequency,
non-ionizing radiation does not react with matter in this way. It also
differs from radiation in the microwave portion of the spectrum in that
it lacks the energy to damage cells by thermal effects. For these reasons,
well characterized interaction models which examine the effect of physical
or chemical agents have proven inadequate for studying the effects of low
frequency electromagnetic fields, and researchers have been presented with
a new challenge in identifying biophysical mechanisms of interaction.
Research History and Funding
Many hundreds of studies have been
conducted over the past two decades, with many more currently underway.
Funding for this research in the U.S. has at various times come from the
Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the National Cancer Institute,
The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the Food and
Drug Administration, the Department of Defense, and a few state programs.
The Electric Power Research Institute, a utility organization, has also
funded a great deal of research. Some studies sponsored by the National
Cancer Institute have incorporated EMF as one part of a broader epidemiological
approach. Worldwide, at least 27 countries are involved in EMF research.
Most work currently underway in the
U.S. is a part of what has come to be known as the Research and Public
Information Dissemination (RAPID) Program. Mandated by Congress as a part
of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, this was planned as a five year effort
to determine if exposure to low level, low frequency electromagnetic fields
is detrimental to health, and if so, to provide an assessment of risk.
Funding was set at $65 million for the five years, with half this amount
to come from industry and half from the government. This full sum was not
forthcoming, since the industry contributions were not mandatory. The DOE
and the NIEHS were charged with directing this research. A report to Congress
is required in 1998.
At least four large scale literature
reviews have been produced by or for agencies of the government in the
last seven years. These reports often reached vastly different conclusions,
and have served to heighten the controversy surrounding the issue. A report
to the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment in 1989 concluded
that there was clear evidence of biological effects related to electric
and magnetic fields, but that the risk to health was unclear. The authors
stressed the importance of additional research, and proposed a policy of
"prudent avoidance," which refers to taking those steps to reduce
EMF exposure that can be done with minimal cost, until more is known about
the possible health effects. In 1990, the EPA produced their "Evaluation
of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic Fields." This
report, released only in draft form and then withdrawn under some controversy,
classified magnetic field exposure as a potential human carcinogen. A report
by the Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination
(CIRRPC) of Oak Ridge Associated Universities, at the request of the White
House Office of Science and Technology Policy, reached the opposite conclusion.
This report, released in 1992, found no convincing evidence of health hazards
from electromagnetic fields. In 1991, before initiation of the RAPID Program,
Congress had asked the National Academy of Sciences to review the available
literature and provide information on the possible biological effects of
EMF and, if possible, to perform a risk assessment. This National Academy
of Sciences report, released in 1996, concluded that the current body of
scientific data is insufficient to show that exposure to electric and magnetic
fields constitutes a health hazard, primarily because no mechanism of action
has been identified. It does, however, recognize that a clear association
exists between residence near certain types of power lines and the incidence
of childhood leukemia, although fields from the lines cannot be proven
as the cause.
An extensive rewrite of the 1990 EPA
report was completed, and progressed through several steps of scientific
and administrative review, but has not been released to the public. Comments
from reviewers indicate that it also recognizes an association between
cancer and residence near power lines. Limited portions of the draft copy
of another report, by the National Council on Radiation Protection, have
been published in Microwave News, a scientific newsletter. This report
recognized a possible EMF - cancer connection and proposed interim exposure
guidelines. Release of these reports are not immediately anticipated.
Research into the possible biological
effects of electromagnetic fields has proceeded along three tracks in the
years since 1979: epidemiology, whole animal studies, and cell studies.
Epidemiology is that branch of medical research which examines patterns
of illness in human populations. As an observational technique, it can
reveal a statistical association between an illness and a suspected causative
agent, but taken alone it is insufficient to prove causality. Supporting
evidence, in the form of cell or animal studies and a plausible mechanism
of biologic action, is generally required to establish a cause and effect
relationship. Most of these epidemiological studies have used some form
of cancer as an endpoint.
As noted earlier, an association between
childhood leukemia and proximity to power lines was the first realistic
indication that exposure to electromagnetic fields may be harmful to health.
To date several studies have examined the association between childhood
cancer and power lines. The outcomes of these studies are complex and subject
to varied interpretation, but at least eight have reported positive results.
As the methodologic shortcomings of earlier studies have been overcome
by better study designs, the trend of positive results has continued. Many
of these studies have shown relative risks of around 1.5 to 2.0, indicating
a doubling of the incidence of illness in the exposed population. A widely
reported Swedish study, released in late 1992, revealed for the first time
some indication of a dose-response gradient, with the number of cases increasing
in the presumed higher exposure categories. Large meta-analyses that pool
the results of several studies have been performed and the positive association
still holds, even when individual studies with positive results are removed
from the calculations. It is this consistent pattern of association in
the childhood cancer studies that has continued to drive the research into
EMF bioeffects.
Epidemiological studies of adult cancers
in relation to occupational and residential exposure have shown some clear
associations, but overall the results are mixed, with variation in both
the strength of associations and in the cancer types noted. Studies which
evaluate non-cancer endpoints, such as adverse reproductive outcomes, suicide
and depression, and developmental problems have, with a few exceptions,
produced negative results.
Cell Studies
Laboratory research on cultured cell
systems, referred to as in-vitro research, is often beneficial in establishing
the response of a certain cell type to a suspected toxic or mutagenic agent,
and in elucidating the molecular mechanism by which an effect may occur.
Studies which expose cells to a wide range of electric and magnetic fields
have examined the effect of these fields on signal transduction events,
intracellular calcium concentrations, genotoxicity, and patterns of gene
expression. Effects have been observed on some measures of cellular response,
but in most cases at levels many times higher than those likely to be environmentally
encountered. No genotoxic effects have been confirmed under any exposure
conditions. Some insight into the means by which very weak signals may
influence cellular processes has been gained, but no clear mechanism of
action has been demonstrated.
Animal Studies
Studies of animals exposed to suspected
toxic agents are important in predicting potential toxicity to humans,
and in confirming an effect indicated by an epidemiological study. They
also provide valuable information for estimating the level at which toxicity
may occur. Studies of animals, and to a lesser degree humans, exposed to
electric and magnetic fields have produced interesting results; but these
results neither confirm nor contradict the increased cancer incidence reported
in some epidemiological studies.
There has been no evidence in any studies
that EMF alone can cause cancer in animals. However, carcinogenesis is
recognized as a multistage process. In a simplification of a clearly complex
process, an agent recognized as an initiator can bring about the transformation
of a cell in a manner that can lead to cancer. This process can be enhanced
by, and is sometimes dependent upon, the effect of an additional agent
called a promoter. A few studies of animals treated with a known chemical
initiator have shown greater numbers of tumors, or greater tumor mass,
in those animals subsequently or concurrently exposed to magnetic fields
at moderate to high levels. This effect has most recently been reported
in regard to mammary tumors in rodents.
Another effect that has been extensively
investigated is suppression of the hormone melatonin, which is produced
in the pineal gland of many animals, including humans. Animal studies have
shown that certain types of magnetic field exposure can reduce the production
of melatonin. Studies of human volunteers under exposure conditions have
reported mixed results. Melatonin is important in regulating circadian
rhythms in the animal. It is also recognized as having oncostatic properties
and is thought to function as an antioxidant in preventing oxidative damage
from intracellular free radicals. If it could be shown that EMF exposure
alters melatonin production in any significant way, this would represent
one mechanism whereby exposure influences cancer development.
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment, in regard to agents
that are thought to pose a public health problem, is a well defined process
that can produce meaningful and quantitative results. This information
can be used by policy makers in developing programs to protect the public
from these agents, if protection is warranted, and by individuals in making
important life decisions. One of the steps in this process is exposure
assessment. This involves determining the extent to which people are exposed
to the agent in question. In regard to electromagnetic fields, this has
been particularly difficult because the specific characteristics of exposure
that may produce detrimental biological effects have not been defined.
Examples of proposed exposure metrics include: the average field intensity
over a period of time, time spent in the field over some threshold value,
field variability, the presence of switching transients on the field waveform,
time in the day-night cycle when exposure is received, and the strength
and direction of the earth's geomagnetic field in relation to the power
frequency field. Until the mechanisms by which electromagnetic fields interact
with biologic systems are better understood, these questions cannot be
answered, and a fully valid risk assessment will not be possible.
For most people, however, perception
of risk is more subjective and qualitative, with perceived risk showing
little correlation with actual risk. This has probably been the case in
regard to electromagnetic fields, and for a number of reasons. First is
the fact that the agent is invisible and not perceptible. Second, exposure
is usually involuntary in that many people are financially unable to change
their place of residence or place of employment in order to avoid a high
exposure environment. Third, electricity and radiation of any type are
mysterious, poorly understood, and inherently frightening to most people.
On top of all this, the potential consequence of exposure, cancer, is very
serious indeed. As an example, for an article in USA Weekend Sunday Magazine
in 1993, readers' questions were solicited on a number of environmental
health issues. Concern about EMF topped the list. A survey conducted in
late 1995 by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis showed that while most
people were somewhat unsure about EMF risk, approximately 38% of them placed
the risk in the high category.
Economic Aspects
The economic costs of a large scale
response to the issue of electromagnetic fields in the environment is potentially
very great. Transmission lines would have to be relocated out of densely
populated areas, or the homes along the power line corridor would have
to be abandoned and the property purchased to provide a buffer zone on
both sides of the line. Neighborhood distribution lines would have to be
replaced with new low field designs. Changes would also be required in
the way power is distributed to individual homes and within large commercial
buildings. Who pays for all these changes? If the electric utilities bear
the burden, then everyone who pays an electric bill will pay a share. If
the government picks up the tab, this translates into higher taxes for
everyone. Public opinion surveys show that people in low field environments,
who would be largely unaffected by these changes, are reluctant to pay
even slightly higher bills to cover the cost of protecting the relative
few who would immediately benefit.
The consequences of a premature response,
based on fear and public pressure rather than on legitimate risk information,
would be that we all pay substantial costs for unproven benefits, and that
resources which could have been utilized in addressing more widely recognized
public health problems may have been misdirected. If, on the other hand,
no action is taken, and the detrimental health effects of EMFs are confirmed,
then lives may be lost unnecessarily. This is the dilemma facing policy
makers and the scientists who advise them.
Although the science is far from conclusive,
a substantial base of data exists from years of research which is highly
suggestive of an association between exposure to electromagnetic fields
and the development of certain health problems. It is possible that a subset
of the population, which may have a genetic predisposition to the development
of these conditions, or who have been exposed to chemical or physical initiating
agents, may experience enhanced sensitivity to the promotional effects
of electromagnetic fields. Identification of these groups of people would
be impractical given our current state of knowledge, but their risk would
be greater than the general population. The need for continued research,
carefully directed toward answering the salient questions raised by previous
work, is clear. In the interim, until a realistic risk assessment can be
performed and an appropriate societal or regulatory response initiated,
the responsibility lies with each individual to learn more about their
electromagnetic environment and to exercise a degree of caution consistent
with their own approach to uncertain risks.
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